No Big Deal

Me, on Friday: “This has been the toughest work week of my career.  I’m feeling pretty badass for getting through it.”

John Tavares: “I heard it’s your birthday.  Here, hold my tooth.”


When I was told about this, I thought, “I don’t want to see that but really I do.”

When I watched it, I thought, “OhmyGodGROSSSSSTHATISSOAWESOME!”


This from a man who tucks his polos into his khakis and probably owns more belts than I own shoes.  Just another day at the accounting firm, managing your 401k and pulling out his own teeth on the bench after a puck to the mouth without missing a shift.  It looks like three teeth in that gif, which is truly awful on a loop.  There’s something wrong with me for how much I love this.

Hockey players, people. 


Remember that John lost teeth after an errant puck before training camp, and told Alyonka Larianov that he had a few plastic ones in for now.  Just add these to the list, right?

Meanwhile John is trying to score goals (he didn’t) and get points (1 A) and win games (they didn’t).  A lost tooth or two isn’t enough to keep him off the ice.  In fact, it’s nothing compared to that time a Swiss league player bit him on the neck during a game.


Here’s John after his two-goal performance in the Isles 6-1 win over Phoenix last week.  He wasn’t even one of the three stars that night, despite this hair.


Update: Post-puck-to-face interview from MSG (thanks to our #1 NYI fan, @ambitiouspants).  John doesn’t look any worse for wear.  Perhaps they were false teeth he was pulling.  That would mean bad luck has good aim.

Still, I get one minute less than 8 hours sleep and I’m the the monster from Pan’s Labyrinth, but these guys get beaten with weapons and look just fine.


Take some Advil, drink some water, see you tomorrow.

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  1. There is post-teeth-losing video!

    He has a little lisp, which makes me feel slightly better about how incredibly bad we’ve played the last couple games.

    I’m not over the fact that hockey medics have black gloves so they don’t lose all the teeth they end up holding. :||||

  2. I saw a reporter on Twitter say that the teeth he lost in the game were the fake ones he got after the pre-training camp teeth incident. Not sure if it was ever confirmed or not.

    This is an important question that needs answering. Someone get Pants media accreditation.

  3. John, after your dentist appointment I need some accounting advice.

    The neck biting gets me. Who does that Swiss player think he is, a vampire?? Hockey players, man. Don’t let anyone tell you this isn’t the toughest sport out there. Or you can bite them (but don’t, probably not a good idea).

  4. I, too, was horrified by but unable to look away from that gif. Sadly, this is way less ghastly than how the Rangers are performing this season. Johnny is a beauty and a beast.

    • Pants Reply

      Oh Lisa, I was there tonight. I saw this in real time, life speed in which it didn’t even look like Mike was attempting a check. Just appeared to go straight over the boards like a puppy through a dog door. Possibly the highlight of my hockey-related life. Big round of applause for MG52. This is getting it’s own post tomorrow because I can’t live without it!