Mikey Monday: Pinterested?

I know you’ve gone two weeks without Mikey Monday and frankly, there’s nothing I can do about it.  A certain person needs to get cowboy-ed up at Stampede or something (anything!), because I’m sailing off the edge of the internet here.

Luckily, reader Emily Miller delivered this just in time for Monday:

Remember on “Caps Cribs” when Mike displayed his collection of inspirational word art from Target?  It has a new home. [link]

This could start a conversation about just how much metro/hipsterness a girl can stand.  Mike has been known the push the limits – Gator took one look at his skinny jeans and nearly died laughing.  Most of us have given in to moccasins and scarves and glasses – love them even (oh, the glasses).

But Pinterest?  Is it too much?  You already knew Mike was thinking about cars and sweaters and french fries.  (And now I’m hungry.)

In almost real news, the Capitals made a qualifying offer to Mike under this Restricted Free Agent status [link].  The offer is basically a one-year extension on the current contract.  It would give Green the chance to (hopefully) get a whole season in and prove he’s still got ’07-’10 production up his sleeve.  The Caps could put forth a new contract during next season or Mike would be a UFA at the end.  The offer has not yet been officially accepted, but during the draft Mike was enthusiastic about the Caps’ roster additions.

The Caps also drafted Tom Wilson, who looks a little like someone we know.

Until next week… if you see something, send it my way!

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  1. Mike on Pinterest?!

  2. Chuck Reply

    Tom. Wilson.

    Mike + glasses = love.

  3. As evidenced by Mike’s pins (seriously…”Life” as a board? Amazing) it’s clear he’s the author of this hipster article: http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Hipster

    That or he co-wrote it with my hubby. This article feels like my life.

    • Amazing. This article describes all of my legacy friends. To a T. Especially the dancing. So astute. So very astute.

  4. Tom Wilson. Even though you look like a hotter version of my friend’s boyfriend from 10 years ago, I very much look forward to cougaring you in future.

    Boys always look good in glasses 😛

    • Kitkat Reply


  5. I noticed that mikes PERSONAL fb account is connected to the pinterest, I dont think he’d appreciate everyone creeping on it. Everyone deserves privacy

    • Pants Reply

      We completely agree that everyone deserves privacy (we don’t post half the stuff we get sent). On Pinterest, like Facebook, there are multiple ways to set a profile to private, make it invite-only and disable searches. If you choose not to, we figure you don’t mind if people see it.