We present to you Timmy “The Tank” Thomas and Martin “Squishy” St. Louis, circa 1996…
BABY HOCKEY PLAYERS!! Watch the awesome video, complete with stellar 90’s soundtrack!
In 1996, Pants and I were juniors in high school. She had a curly afro and I had reaaaally long hair and wore Doc Martens.
In 1996, the Tank and Squishy were teammates on the Vermont Catamounts’ hockey team. Who knew that 15 years later, they’d be facing each other for a chance to play in the Stanley Cup Finals.
Certainly not them. We’re thinking they were more worried that they ran out of Ben and Jerry’s and that they couldn’t find their favorite flannel shirt. Let’s be realistic here, people. It is Vermont, after all.
Should be interesting to watch them when the Eastern Conference Finals start up tomorrow. Think they’ll meet up at center ice during warm ups for a chat?
Or will it be this instead?

That graphic is just how I feel right now. Goalie glove facepalm.
Aw, look at Squishy’s little face!