My House Is Bugged Part II

Here is a novel idea, a post that’s not about the Caps or the Pens or about some hot, young hockey buck! I KNOW! The HORROR! But Puck Daddy had a link from a site called VIEW FROM MY SEATS by Matt Reitz that listed 30 things he was looking forward to in 2011. On it was […]

Negative, Ghost Rider.

Once again, the internet is alive with rumors of Martin Brodeur on the trading block.  The Devils are like Desperate Housewives and their Wisteria Lane is a dead end.  Personally, I don’t give two Jersey-shaped cowpies if they trade Marty.  But here’s why it won’t be for Mike Green. 1: MONEY Green is no cheap […]

Winter Classic TV Spot

The NHL debuted the first Winter Classic ’11 commercial during Sunday Night Football [Video].  To quote the greatest movie of all time: “I know you can be overwhelmed, and I know you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?”  “I think you can in Europe.” – 10 Things I Hate About You […]

Marketing Hockey: Episode 1

Oh snap.  We are so ahead of the game!  Monday has come and gone, and today guess who’s featured on the homepage with a video highlight and a story?  WUYS poster boy Mike Green.  I’ll keep this short, since Dawn has to listen to me all day long. Mike launched a Facebook fan site.  […]

Dem’s da rules

The NHL  released this video outlining the rule changes for 2010-2011. Brush up, so you’re not yelling at the refs for a bad call that’s actually a good call and everyone around you knows it.  No one wants to be that guy.  Thank God for some of these stricter rules – the slo-mo shots of […]

Word of the Day: Sieve

My real-life fiance (he’ll be guest blogging later), slightly resembles Sidney Crosby and is also a chef.  As a sieve is a kitchen utensil, he is familiar with the idea.  Except apparently chefs pronounce it “seeeeeve”, like Steve without the “t”.  (Now I’m thinking about Steve Sullivan.)  We debated the possibility that I, Chuck and […]