Tyler Tuesday: Weapon of Mass Distraction

My appreciation of all things Tyler Seguin is not news to anyone who reads this blog or follows us on the twitter.

At first, my friends did not understand my love for #19/91.  They couldn’t see “it”.  But slowly, over time, their resolve weakened and they willingly joined me on the dark side.  I’ve welcomed my Seguinista Sisters with open arms – and a fiercely fashionable Jedi cape.

Yet there are still those that resisted, but now I have a new weapon at my disposal.

I am the Empire and www.tylerseguin.com is my Death Star.

I am the Empire and www.tylerseguin.com is my Death Star.

www.tylerseguin.com just launched this week and immediately became #1 on my internet search history.  Sure it has some frustrating typos ( it’s SPORTS Illustrated, not SPORT’S ), but I’m gonna let it slide because of photos like this.

tylerseguindotcom -cover

Bookmark This.

I’m starting a petition that any and all future photos of Tyler Seguin only be taken in black and white.  Black and white photography = classic, mysterious, artistic.  Black and white photography + Tyler Seguin…well then just turn this mutha out.

The design of the site is clean and minimalist, which I love, and the TS logo works (even if it does kinda reminds me of fire department shield).  But we all can agree that the major draw of this site is going to be its media gallery.

They keep photo photos like this one and we’re going to get along juuuuuust fine.


#face #arms #eyebrows #face

I did sign up for the TS Newsletter, natch, because I am serious hockey journalist.

Ahhh, who am I kidding?


“…like my deep, passionate love for a girl named Chuck.”





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Leave a Reply to farahbobeara Cancel reply

  1. farahbobeara Reply

    Dead. I died.

  2. dani Reply

    *wipes diet coke off screen after reading caption on last picture…

  3. Lisa Reply

    I assume the rest of the internet is now going to pack up and go home, because this is the best it’s ever going to get.

  4. Holy mother of God. He is unbelievable.

  5. Kate Reply

    The big question I have: did he take the pictures for the website or did he create the website because he had the pictures? Either is fine by me. Gooood lord. (That being said, his quotes are ridiculous.)

    And I really feel like Tyler’s website should also have a special Jamie Benn section and a special puppy section.