What Would You Say?

Well look who got a haircut:

It’s because I’m going to the Canadian Embassy for a work thing today, and he wanted to look all clean-cut and charming.  So if you don’t hear from me…

Back to Tazer, as this this kind of thing is big news these days.  Until MG52’s hair makes a public appearance, I don’t know where I’m going to find my #longhairdontcare Stamkos substitute.

JT talks about #theplayers hashtag on the NHLPA practice jerseys and not knowing anything about Twitter (video).  It’s probably best in case Jess (@jfrancesw) ever really works up the nerve to talk to him.  She can just practice her 140 character pick-up lines on us until it happens.

Jess was here.  We were not.  Captured by Emily (@captainderp19)

What if Tazer Tweeted?  What would he say?  There would definitely be enough room, he’d never resort to random abbreviations to squeeze in extra words.

@ThatsCaptainToYou19 – Hey girl.

@ThatsCaptainToYou19 – Hey girl.

@ThatsCaptainToYou19 – Hey girl.

@ThatsCaptainToYou19 – Kid, tell your sister I said hey.

 And the real reason Jonathan Toews doesn’t have Twitter:

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    He is the oldest man in the world. I do not feel at all bad about the chronological differences in our ages sine he probably unironically puts “the” in front of proper nouns: The Twitter, The iTunes, The Facebook an so forth.

    More important than the news of his haircut (although I do miss the Superman curl) is the fact that he ha been organizing team skates during the lockout AND PAYING FOR THEM OUT OF HIS OWN VERY DEEP POCKETS*. But he is absent this week. A Chicago sports reporter ran into him at the airport on his way to The Winnipeg and there was some reference to a “training program”. Lindsay and I have SO MANY QUESTIONS. I mean, he wasn’t sitting on his very perfect ass in Chicago, so what possible training could this be? Advanced Squats (although he’d teach that class)? Beginner’s Swedish (because we can only deny the inevitable for so long)? Lindsay briefly suggested it was some sort of rehab which is UNCONSCIONABLE. To maintain sanity, I am telling myself it is some manner of coaching/leadership training.

    Don’t be gone long Jon… I miss you.

    Such a good man….

    {gentle weeping}

    *Not a Sidney Crosby joke.

    • Pants Reply

      Disclaimer to pretty much everything I ever say: *Not a Sidney Crosby joke.

  2. Liz Reply

    Totally snort-laughed at Toews getting stuck in the car! Any idea where that actual video is?

  3. Cassy Reply

    Given I lost the power of speech when I met the Professor (an occurrence that still gets a laugh around WUYS towers), Jess’ predicament would be understandable. I mig add it took 6 months of practice before I managed to say thank you. Good job he came over to my neck of the woods so I could manage it. That, I hasten to add, was about it before I ran away (not kidding – I ran away… Wearing a 37 Bruins game jersey).

    Shortly after this, the combined coaching and support team of the Bruins started buying me alcohol. Memories of this evening shall remain classified except to say it involved four random Canadian fans, copious amounts of JD, some interesting activity in a corner with one of the random Canadians (Sens fan. Best left alone)…. Best to leave it alone now methinks.

    And hang on a minute, what with the lockout and the fact that people here look at you blankly when you mention the local team (looks like I will get some hockey viewing action then during the lockout), is Jon really expecting? Well Jon’s bird? Or is that a wishful futuristic dream thought?

    Speaking of sprogs, any news on impending LePretty junior???

    • Pants Reply

      This is how rumors get started! There’s no Toews-baby, unless Jess has conceived via proximity. Liz just meant they are adorable and fun, and that will someday translate into hot dad-ness. But not any time soon.

      • It is a legitimate concern, proximity-conception is. I mean… eye-contact! He said words and I heard them! There was even that time we brushed forearms without protection!

  4. Did you seriously call him the oldest man in the world? He’s 24! He’s still a baby!

    *reaches over to shuffle the Old Maid deck*

    #NotaSidneyCrosbyJoke needs to be a meme right now.

    • CHRONOLOGICALLY a baby, but he ACTS like the oldest man in the world.

      And I fully support turning my joke into a meme. Get on it, Internets!