Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day, loves!  If you haven’t been enjoying the #NHLValentines suggestions on Twitter, we suggest you get cracking.  And if you don’t have plans for this evening, we’re offering a WUYS crash course in landing the perfect Valentine for 2012:

1) Find a wingman.

2) Find a cute guy.

3) Ask him out.

4) No, you actually have to talk to him.

5) Give him your number. He’ll call.

6) Mention that you’re hungry.

7) Make sure he picks someplace nice so you can dress up.

8) He’ll bring you flowers.

9) And maybe a shiny present.

10) Have fun.

12) Go dancing.

13) And for a drink afterward.

14) Maybe a little cuddling.

15) Okay, get the full hug.

16) Then go home.

17) Yes, home. No sleepovers.

18) Remember, what you really want is the ring.

19) And maybe someday, the kids.

20) If you’re in the market for someone to make it all happen, we’re auctioning off our date for this evening (includes proper footwear).

Love and free hugs!!


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  1. Favourite WUYS post ever. Hands down.
    SO much love for you guys and the hilarity you share every day!!

  2. ig Reply


  3. Cya Reply

    Fantastic Post, Pants! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  4. Deanna Reply

    Perfect post is perfect.

    Happy Valentine’s Day, ladies!

  5. I can’t get past how crazy cute Intern Jeff Skinner is in that last photo. I’ve had about eight fun size M&Ms… it might be getting to me.

    • Oops, I missed #11. Consider Jordan Staal worth two entries. Or many that hilarious photo of Bobby Ryan catwalking.

  6. If I tried to talk to Patrice Bergeron, I’d like to think that I could hold it together and play it real cool like.

    Oh JToews. So derp.

    Patrick Sharp – please don’t ever stop. Ever. You are beyond.

    I want to party with Bobby Ryan. Like for real. He looks so FUN!

    Rick Nash, why are you so sexy time? WHY!? So not fair that you aren’t mine.

    Tyler declared that he is a Boston University Terrier fan last night. We approve of this 100000000%. TERRIERS FOR LIFE!

  7. Ah, so I see what I’ve been doing wrong… 😛
    Happy Valentine’s day everyone! I hope WUYS gave Intern Jeff Skinner enough time off for all the Valentine’s dates he’s going to have to take out tonight!

  8. Happy Valentine’s Day, girls! As usual, your post brought a huge smile to my face. Nash, Staal, Toews, Sid, etc. are always a perfect way to end my day.

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