Last night’s game between the Bruins and the Hurricanes was pretty good….
until this happened.

Who farted?
But this is a party you wouldn’t really want to go to. The food is bad. The champagne is flat. And someone clogged up the toilet.
It was ugly, people. Oooglay.
And like Nine Inch Nails, we were headed into a downward spiral.
Chris Kelly – perhaps the most unassuming, gentle man on the Bruins – even got into a fight.
Chara goes all Godzilla on this guy…
I’m not one to complain about the officials but they were a little suspect last night.
Bruins = 72 PIM. Hurricanes = 22 PIM.
Really? Only 22 minutes? Both teams were chippy and throwin’ bows but somehow only the Bs got the minutes.
Chuck no likey.
Neither does Coach Claude. He got tossed. Pretty sure if he could have chest bumped the refs MLB-stylo, he would have.
If they do wrong, give them the two minutes (or four…or ten). Make them feel shame. But don’t be one-sided in your punishment.
BTDubs – Shawn Thornton, 2 minutes for “Abuse of officials”? Never heard that one before.
Tags: Boston Bruins, carolina hurricanes, Chris Kelly, Claude Julien, Shawn Thornton, zdeno chara
I have learned over the last few years that when it comes to the Bruins, the punishment is ALWAYS one sided.
Sometimes it seems that the NHL hates them and wants the team gone forever.