Every year this happens, and it isn’t to me.
Of course if he came to my house, Mr. Pants would open the door in a Caps shirt (or better, my girl-sized Crosby jersey). There would be banging and scuffling from the closet. They would pretend to ignore it until the muffled sounds of ‘O Canada’ could be heard. Season ticket delivery turns into an episode of Law & Order.
They never send Sid to a house with women under the age of 40. Max used to get all of those – remember his pimp shoes last season? I miss him already. Instead Crosby charms children and wonders why this guy is wearing a Staal shirt.
In this video, Sid goes crazy and eats a cookie. That’s probably the most fun he’s had all summer! And now we’ll all leave cookies out every night like we do for Santa. (There’s no way Sid’s fitting that ass down a chimney.)
Okay, see it for yourselves. And make sure your house is clean. [link]
“There’s no way Sid’s fitting that ass down a chimney”
I vote Staalsy, Engo, Tanger and Nealmobile take over Max’s “charming women of the world” ambassador role.
All those in favor say “aye”, raise your hands & form an orderly queue.
Ps ditto on best line ever. But if that came downy chimney for Xmas – well, um, er….
OMG Pants – you kill me: “There would be banging and scuffling from the closet. They would pretend to ignore it until the muffled sounds of ‘O Canada’ could be heard.” I will die of laughter all.day.long because of this. You are amazing.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. What’s Up, Ya Sieve? is the best thing to ever happen to me.