Excuse me while I go off-topic for a minute here.
You may have seen CNN, Good Morning America or other news coverage of the Upstate NY and Vermont towns devastated or completely destroyed by Hurricane Irene. My hometown area was one of the worst hit:
It’s the mountains, in the country. We don’t do flooding. I’m talking about towns with as few as 800 residents and one traffic light. No one predicted this and no one was prepared.
If you are inclined toward charity donations (tax deductible!) or even have a bag of old clothes and blankets that was going to Goodwill, please consider sending it here instead: http://www.windhamrebuild.org/. My parents, brother and house are fine, but there are a lot of people who could really use the help right now.
[cnnvideo url=’http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2011/08/29/exp.nr.seg.bpr.irene.ny.cnn’ inline=’true’]
Thanks. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.