We Take Requests

The search term “Stamkos” has landed a big percentage of people on WUYS this week.  Maybe no one else is talking about Steven.  Maybe it’s all Gator.  Either way, we give the people what they want.

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  1. Cassy Reply

    Has the great TB question been resolved yet? Or is he holding out for the diamond necklace and condo before putting out?

    (Sorry Gator. Pants can kill me in a couple weeks – hey you can too! I’ll be in your vicinity!!)

  2. You know what I love?

    I love that someone found this site by searching “Captain Facepalm”

  3. I bet it’s former Caps/Hershey bears player Andrew Gordon spiking your results:

    @AndrewGordon10 anybody know whats going on with Stamkos? im hearing no news and seeing no action. there must be something in the works eh?