On the Washington Caps website they interview him for a nano-second (not worth posting) although you can go there and look yourself because it’s sort of worth seeing him because he looks quite dapper. He obviously had lots of time to get dressed in a smoking hot grey suit, black shirt and do his awesome HAIR! Totes serious about all that! Either he hired a stylist or he’s been reading GQ lately because this is a NEW MIKEY. Very metro-sexual. The kind you could totally bring home to mama and your BFF gay friend would completely be slap-fighting you over.
Tags: mike green, OrpikOh No – Not The Head! Mikey Monday – Sunday Edition – Updated
Mike Green takes a puck to the head! As I write this at the end of the first period, Mike Green stops a hard straight on goal shot from Orpik, drops like a sack of potatoes in a pool of blood. He did skate off under his own power but went straight to the locker room. He is OK. Evidently his head is made of titanium because watch the link. It was a whopper of a shot but our boy Mikey takes it like a Timex!
Not a reason why I want to see a Mikey Monday “Sunday Edition!” There is nothing tougher than a hockey player. Love MG52 and the Caps. Hope he is ok!
I think concussion could be catching in the NHL’s top players. I am so needed for nursing duties in the US – stat.
Sponge baths obviously a necessity. Natch.