Birthday Party, You're Invited

We interrupt your regularly scheduled episode of Mike Greek Paid for This for a special occasion – Happy Birthday to Everyone!  Okay, not everyone – Happy Birthday Pants (today) and Mike Green (tomorrow).

Mike buying my present.

For my birthday, Mike decided to roll up his sleeves and fight Ilya Kovalchuk on Saturday night.  It wasn’t a great fight – almost hard to tell if either guy landed a single punch.  Dawn sent me 8 real-time texts including one calling Mike “kind of a sissy.”  But I thought it was pretty even, with a lot of long-arm reaching and square dancing.  Maybe Mike remembered too late that he’s skinny now, and Kovy outweighs him by 30 pounds.  Maybe he remembered that I really like his face the way it is.  The highlight is that they both calmly toss their helmets, like two hood rats taking off their earrings and press-on nails.  Mike does everything but wink at me, then debuts his new Wolverine hair-do: the un-hawk!

The rest of my birthday wishes could easily be fulfilled by Jordan Staal bringing me a box of Ring Dings and a case of Yuengling before joining the starting lineup at the Pens/Ducks game on Nov 5.  I’m not asking for much.  Maybe it’s a lot to carry and Staalsy asks a friend for help?

I took today off from work so I could spend it watching the Pens, Caps and Hawks games, visit my SF-based Pittsburgh bar and eat every 2 hours without being judged.  I’m hoping for some serious goal scoring and maybe Toews making fun of Kane.  Just a little. Happy birthday everyone!!

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  1. mr. cherrie Reply

    and yesterday was dawn’s birthday! october powers activate!

  2. Chuck Reply

    Hmmmm, Yuengling…

    What Mike lacks in fighting prowess, he makes up for in adorableness.

    For a moment there, I thought it was going to turn into a girly slap fight.