Halloween has arrived a little early for a few of our favorite teams. In the world of the 24 hour Tumblr news cycle, these guys came to party.

Geno’s pal Max Ivanov, Kris Letang, some guy I don’t know and Evgeni Malkin.
Letang is always going for it on Halloween, though we must point out the Mad Hatter is not a prince. Disney, yes (so close!), but next year, let there be an Aladdin costume with his name on it. Geno went to the School of Vampire Standing, and I bet his English sounds the same with those teeth in.
Sid is dressed as Rocky, apparently. I haven’t seen that movie in 15 years, but he’s said before it’s his favorite film. Imagine if his favorite movie were, say:

That gladiator costume a few years back was not even close.

Still waiting for a photo of Sid & BSutts as Maverick & Goose from last year.

Best Halloween nerdjoke of all time.
Okay, I’m getting carried away. Here is your reference for Sid’s costume, and I’ll go on assuming that it’s some kind of challenge issued to the Flyers.

Which way to the stairs?
All in all, Rocky has nothing on the real costume winners of the evening:

Paul Martin, Beau Bennett, Geno, Robert Bortuzzo and Nick Spaling.
So many thoughts fighting to be my first thought! Borts shaved his beard nooooooooooooo! but it’ll be back by lunch tomorrow. Should guys like Borts & Beau, so oft-injured, really be wearing platform shoes? How is this not in their player contracts? I have no idea what Nick Spaling’s face looks like, but we’ll know him now by a sliver of side-thigh. Tough luck if you’re in Pittsburgh and needed white face paint for your costume – it’s sold out. Also, how does anyone go to the bathroom?
Please say they watched Role Models over and over to prepare:

Mentor this.
Thanks to @Jrho for pointing us toward Max Ivanov’s Instagram for more photos. Can we please give Chris Kunitz a 100-year contract so we have 99 more Halloweens to look forward to? Last year, sock monkey. This year when he scores a hat trick, everyone throw scotch on the ice.

Boy, that escalated quickly.
The Blackhawks always have the best couples costumes – see last year for reference. This year they continued to raise the bar.

Photo from 25Stanley.com
Bryan Bickell’s rabbit isn’t quite white, but we get what he means. (No, I didn’t get it at all, but Vanessa did! He’s the March Hare and I need a refresh on some of these films.)

Photo from 25Stanley.com
Andrew Shaw and his girlfriend must know that I am going as Peter Pan this year, they wanted to make me feel cool. If only my photos could have an incredible, awkward, derp-perfect photobomb by RoboToews.

I. Am. Fun. Now. Binary Solo!
I wish for one day the Hawks website would make that Toews’ roster photo.

Shiny pants, Jon.
Send us more Halloween photos when you see them, including yours if they are hockey-themed! We’ll be here working on the candy corn.
Tags: andrew shaw, beau bennet, bryan bickell, Evgeni Malkin, jonathan toews, Kris Letang, nick spaling, niklas hjalmarsson, paul martin, robert bortuzzo, Sidney Crosby
Was that a Captain Tightpants reference? Please say that was a Captain Tightpants reference.
Daaaaamn, those pants. And the Pens. Lord, these guys might make a lover out of this Halloween hater!
I cannot understand the logistics of those pants. They are so tight. How did he put them on? How did he walk? Did he have a Ross moment when trying to put them back on in the bathroom?
And I have to say it… imagine what they look like from behind. Ahem.
In the same post as a Malcolm Reynolds gif? You bet it was! I consider this a highlight of my blog career.
We can always count on Geno for some good holiday-themed laughs. However, in all the time he was here, I never saw a Halloween pic of Neal. I’ve always hoped he was Robin the year Geno was Batman. Sigh. So, ok, Preds, get in the game. Help us out!
PS — the KISS ensemble really rocks. No pun intended. That’s a good one even in this high-performance arena!
OMgosh, the binary solo reference. Perfection.
Hjammer + guyliner is oddly attractive to me. But I have a strict “hate the Blackhawks” policy that only makes exceptions for Patrick Sharp. I’m so confused now…
Yes! The Binary Solo! 0000001!
I poked one, it was dead.
Paul Martin in a KISS costume (and apparently the entire thing was his idea!) pushed me over the edge. I could handle the scrambled eggs, the Ice Bucket challenge, the constant boyfriend sweaters, but this is too much.
This is all awesome, but I don’t think Bickell’s doing the white rabbit, so much as the March Hare. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/52/March-hare-5.jpg
Obviously it’s also been a while since I watched Alice in Wonderland (the animated version) too!
I am still not recovered from Hallsy’s Iceman costume.
The Robo-Toews photobomb is gold. Literally made me spit up coffee all over my keyboard. Thanks, Robo-Toews!
*thumbs-up, freeze frame*
*synth music to credits*
I demand a 90-minute documentary of Tazer’s pants. I will find a way to get it into the Tribeca Film Festival. Please, someone get on this.