In all honesty, this year’s #CAMP montages have left us a little MEH. We’re not saying we don’t like them – we just don’t love them.
Day 3’s video would have been another mediocre offering but was salvaged by two things: impossibly tight super hero t-shirts and Michael Del Zotto’s samurai ponytail.
MDZ’s hair has always been fantastic and his new man bun is kinda working for me. In case you didn’t know, man buns are cool now.
A thousand blessings the BioSteel Sports intern whose job it was to run to the nearest Target and buy up every superhero shirt in the boys’ back to school section.

Size XS

I laugh at you, Tensile Fabric Strength.
I know not everyone is a fan of Tyler Seguin or his sleeve tattoos, but I leave you with this photo (and my new phone wallpaper) to help you change your mind.

This shirt is holding on for dear life…and so am I.
Tags: BioSteel, Camp BioSteel, michael del zotto, Tyler Seguin
Tyler’s bulging biceps are really putting the elasticity of that t-shirt to the test, and I’m loving it 😀
Is it just me or does the profile pic of MDZ look like Jake Gyllenhaal?
And as for Seguin, as usual, I have no words.
Jana – that is because that photo of the guy in profile IS Jake Gyllenhaal. 🙂
Well, then I guess it makes sense that I thought that. 🙂 (SMH at myself.)
Seguin’s very nice looking. He’s also a dead ringer for my brother, so I’m not going to go there and you can’t make me. 😉
Uh, excuse me?
How old is your brother???
I’ve always been more of a Batman fan, but from now on, I’m going to have a Pavlovian response to the Superman symbol. Dear lord.
Behold and be amazed.
Oh. Well, hello there. That, um, does not suck. Not one bit. I could maybe do with a little less cape, but now I’m just nit picking.
I looove me some MDZ. Hopefully this summer has inspired him to pull his man-bun out of his ass and get his career back on track