The Guy Can’t Help It

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha.  I’m crying.


The internet is KILLING it today!  Hank directs a Head & Shoulders commercial and finds that if you want something done PERFECTLY you have to do it your own perfect Swedish self.


Between the slow motion and the leather jacket, we are a mustache away from a Mangum PI remake.  Starring a vampire.

(Thanks again to Lindsay, official finder of things that make our day.)

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  1. Heather (HockeyValleyGirl) Reply

    Nope, didn’t want to get ANYTHING done today. Nope, not me!!!

  2. It’s totally cheesy, and yet I still want to watch it 100 more times. There were photos somewhere from outtakes from this shoot a while back, but now I can’t seem to find them. But here’s an awesome pic of some of the Rangers jumping for joy (?) in Banff on his Instagram. I love this so much.

  3. Cassy Reply

    He has the HAIR. He is not Ben Affleck. I say he’ll survive (and sales of H&S will rocket)


  4. Nope, not meeee Reply

    Ohhhhh Handsome…. Sigh… How I do adore you.

  5. Val Reply

    The music is what really makes it!