Ok, I’m starting this off with I don’t hate the Vancouver Canucks. I just happen to LOVE the LA KINGS – even more so after seeing them last night. Look at the play-off beard!
do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Mr. Canuck fan? no wonder you're with another dude at this game!

F%ck you camera man! Telling me I suck. I made it on the Jumbotron anyway! so suck it ... we won too!
The one question I kept getting asked last night was – Why do you like the LA KINGS? Really? I saw Mr. Cherrie hold his breath hoping against all hope I wasn’t going to say something snarky so I waited until now: (our two little friends above the exit sign where AWESOME!) HI!
1. LA has a real goal tender – Quick doesn’t cry either!
2. LA has Kopitar who can stick handle in a phone booth and I believe is about to cut loose because he is certainly due
3. LA has Dustin Brown with 2 shorties on them in their barn

Capt. Downtown Brown was trying not to laugh at my sign. Quick had a giggle too along with the rest of the team giving Doughty shit.
4. LA has Jeff Carter and Mike Richards now
5. LA has Drew Doughty (of course) 😉
Any questions? Didn’t think so.

This was totally staged for my pleasure because they were all laughing and trying not to look at me. Hello -Paging Kings Fan of One.
But I would like to give a shout out and a thanks to the gracious Canucks fans who let me stand in front of them during the warm-ups so I could watch. They were very nice about it and I truly appreciated it.
Tags: Alexander Ovechkin, anze kopitar, Drew Doughty, Dustin Brown, jeff carter, Jonathan Quick, la kings, Mike Richards, San Jose Sharks, Vancouver Canucks
I’m so glad you had a great time at the game, because 5 happy people out of 18,630 isn’t bad, and also glad that everyone was nice to you. Pretty sure it only takes DD fifteen minutes to grow a playoff beard, but you got some great photos in any case.
But that Jumbotron photo…it’s almost like you don’t want us to know what you look like, Dawn.
Can you please get new sweatpants that say CHEESEBURGER across the butt? I think of you every time I see that stupid Bridgestone tire puck-shooting commercial where Drew looks all annoyed. I’m sure he saw your sign and was cheered beyond measure!
I applaud your bravery, Dawn. Having been “the enemy” at Rogers Arena on several occasions, I know it can be a rough go. It definitely helps being a girl, I think 😛
I was told I WAS very brave – hahaha. Seeing a hockey game in Canada is WAY different than in the US – I’ll tell ya that!
I’m still working on my Pittsburg outfitt but after your pants-rants maybe you don’t want to see it! LOL!
This is awesome, Dawn! I am also convinced Jonathan Quick is a god in net….I know as a Bruins fan I should be saying that about Timmy, but since LA is my (very close) number 2 team, I think I’m good….and I applaud the sign! Ballsy to do in Canada! lol
I met Lewis a couple times when he was in Manchester too….but man does he look all grown up now that he’s in LA…
Sorry this is a few days late but I purposely boycotted the web this weekend to protest the way too many playoff teams are flushing their professionalism and mad skillz down the proverbial toilet. We all handle our PTSD in different ways, right? I just couldn’t deal.
But having said that, I need to applaud you for making me laugh again and I congratulate you on your chutzpah in Vancouver. I too am cheering for the Kings – I actually picked them to go all the way at the beginning of the season – and not to jinx anything but their play is a breath of fresh air in the midst of all the goonery, brain-farting and testosto-buffoonery happening in the other series. They seem to understand that this is hockey, not the UFC. So good on them! Plus, I never fully realized just how much Darryl Sutter looks and moves like a chicken. Fascinating!
Wouldn’t it be something else if the Canucks and the Pens – most experts’ picks for the SCF – were booted in the first round?
Any Kings fan is a friend of Mine! 🙂 I only wish you could have seen the Green men with their Darryl Sutter sign: Two pictures of him – exactly alike with the captions: Angry Sutter/Happy Sutter! I LOVE HOCKEY FANS – any kind. They have the best sense of humor.
Now I am curious. So what did your sign say?
It said, “HEART 8 DOUGHTY” with a LA KINGS crown. There is a post below titled KILROY WAS HERE if you want to see it.