Mail Bag

There are 857 million things I love about doing this blog, but the stuff you send us definitely earns the #1 spot.  Happy Tuesday!

Michelle deployed her daughter into enemy territory on Sunday in DC to take a few photos of… who else?

I bet her daughter was sitting right next to me (and a few WUYS pals who shall remain nameless for their protection).

And Amanda (@amandalitty) went into the vault for one that nearly made me spit out my Cheerios.

Yes, with a ZEBRA.  You guys are fantastic. @MouthguardOG found me a treasure trove on Tumblr, that I’m waiting for permission to use.   This stuff is ALWAYS welcome.

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  1. bwhahahahahahhahahaha

    that picture of Stamkos….bwhahahahahahhaahaha

    he’s such a dork.