We’ve had a request for more “hard news” around here, so you got it. Kind of. As often as I can find them, I will be bringing you five things that you might not know about hockey. First up…
5 Things: NHL Entry-Level Contracts
1. “Entry-level” contracts are required for players who sign between the ages of 18 – 21, and encompass their first three NHL seasons. Players who sign at 22-23 are “entry-level” for two years, and at 24 for a one year. Players signing their first NHL contracts after age 24 are not subject to these restrictions.

5. In most cases, these performance bonuses are paid by the League (not the player’s team) and thus don’t count against the salary cap.
The current Collective Bargaining Agreement was made in 2005 and set to expire after the 2010-2011 season. In June 2010, the CBA was extended to include this season. It will expire on September 15, 2012.
How’d I do? Do you feel smarter? You can read the CBA here [link] though it was modified slightly after the Ilya Kovulchuk cap-circumvention scandal. Those changes are explained here [link].
Tags: Important Stuff
As always, you educate me to perfection!
I feel warm and fuzzy with that photo of Tazer at the 2006 draft. Pants, thank you.
Which you could also label, things that St. Louis regrets doing.