On the Count of Three…

Every November, Downtown Annapolis hosts a huge Tug of War against the neighboring town of Eastport (where I live).  For real [link].  Last year Eastport lost, but only because I wasn’t there yet.

This year, I’m going to be MVP for bringing so many strong, helpful friends.  You know how competitive these guys are.  Obviously we practiced in the summer, because there’s a direct algorithmic correlation between the amount of sleeve to how hard you can workout.  Less is more, that’s our motto.

Are you kidding me, James Neal?!??!?!

In addition to training hard, we’ve been cleaning out the supermarket regularly because these guys eat a lot.  (Seriously: Skinner, Neal & Stamkos signed at a grocery store event.  This is the kind of magical thing that happens in Canada. [link])

Thanks @amandalitty

Our team represents the bars in my neighborhood, so the diet only lasts till we win and kick every keg in the place.  It’ll look kinda like the NHL Awards Party.  Only with fewer sleeves. Maybe we can even get Intern Jeff Skinner to hug someone at the victory celebration.

@jwfrances, this will always be a favorite.

Wish us luck!  I’ll take sloppy cameraphone after-party photos for you. 😉


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  1. Hey, Jeff? Will you sign my OJ?

  2. PANTS! Are you calling my cameraphone after-party photos SLOPPY?!

    J/K – I feel super loved 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • That reminds me… I have yet to upload 90% of my photos… Don’t worry, you’ve seen the gems 😛