Last night’s game was the most exhilarating, exciting, intense Stanley Cup Finals game that I have seen in recent memory.
It also happened to be totally crappy and soul-sucking.

My patronus is a fuzzy brown bear.
As the tornado watch loomed over the city of Boston, the thunder boomed, and lightning lit up the sky like a Polish dyskotekya, the Bruins were just 18 seconds from heading into overtime with the Canucks.
But then Johnny Boychuk made a teeny mistake…
Ryan Kessler made a great pass…
Yannick Hansen made an other great pass…
and Raffi Torres slipped the puck past Timmy Thomas.
Canucks win.
The apartment goes silent. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
Collapse on the floor like I’ve been ninja kicked in the face.

A crushing loss to be sure, but then again aren’t all losses in June, when your team is playing for the biggest, shiniest, purtiest trophy in all of sport?
Thomas and Luongo played out of their craniums and denied both teams numerous scoring chances. At times, the game was chippy and physical and downright bizarre. Alex Burrows going all pre-school and biting Patrice Bergeron? What? Really? No penalty was called but you can be sure that the NHL will review that scrizz.
But the Professor ain’t fazed by it. He’s too smaht for that.
Despite the imperfect outcome, the Bruins should be very proud of the way that they played. They played a solid, physical game and made the Canucks work for every inch. Bruins d-men did a great job disrupting the SedinBots’ dolphin sonar, as either Henrik or Daniel had any points; Henrik had a big ‘ol fat goose egg with SOG and Daniel only had 8.
Lots of hockey writers, reporters and prognosticators thought that the Bruins wouldn’t stand a chance against the powerhouse Canucks. “They’re too fast.” “They’re too talented.” “The Sedin twins are magical and drink mineral water from goblets made of unicorn horns.” But the Bs proved that they are a team that deserves to have their shot at Lord Stanley’s Cup. They belong with the big boys.
While I wanted to curl up into the fetal position and cry last night, I’m feeling much better today. The series is still young and there is many a game left to play.
And like the Rev. Jesse Jackson said, “Keep Hope Alive!”
Tags: Boston Bruins, Patrice Bergeron, Stanley Cup Finals, tim thomas, Vancouver Canucks
Soul sucking- perfect way to describe it!
I loved Bergeron skating back to the Boston bench and showing the guys his bloody finger with a look on his face like, “Can you believe this shit?”
Ohhhh priceless.
Ryan Kesler… the magic man.
I totally read the title of this post as “I Get Knocked Up… But I Get Down Again.” This, in addition to Tazer’s barefoot golfing, will amuse me for the rest of the day.
HA! That is brill.
I can confirm that neither Pants nor I are knocked up.
Yes, that was a fantastic game with a terrible outcome. Not to mention that TORRES scored the goal. I hate that man so much.
He looks stoned out of his gourd.
And who names their kid Raffi? Isn’t that the name of that creepy guy who sings all those kid songs?
We need to do an award category for worst roster photos.
Tornado watch?! Boston?! You’re kidding me, right?! As for the biting – that’s another player on my sh*t list. Gonna have to make a special trip for you, Burrows, after I stop by Giroux’s house in Philly.
Pants said it on Twitter. NO-ONE is allowed to bite the Professor!
speaking of getting knocked down, did you see the picture Stamkos tweeted of his busted up face? Not nearly as bad as it could have been