Round 1 Schedule

Every year when the playoffs arrive, I feel like the dad in A Christmas Story opening his Major Award.  Stress, joy, surprise, fear and jealousy all in a big wooden crate.

We encourage you to take today and tomorrow to relax.  Deep condition your hair, take a yoga class, hug a tree.  Because Wednesday is a big, big day. If the cell phone infrastructure fails nationwide, you’ll know Dawn and I were texting like mad.

These are from [link], so you know how to plan the rest of your life.


Leave a Reply to Cassy Cancel reply

  1. So being that I live in Florida I was pretty pumped that I’d get to see the majority of the Pens – Lightning series televised. Do you know what SunSports (our regional sports affiliate) has scheduled for the first two games. FISHING! Bass master, red neck, cane pole, FISHING! My lightning fan friend and I are writing angry letters to our congress people for this injustice.

  2. Cassy Reply

    …And if cell coverage fails globally, Chuck will also have been involved. Will there be excited tweeting also?!?!