Pants Says, "Thank You Dawn!"

And I say, “You are quite welcome Pants.” Say no more for your daily dose for Mikey Wednesday. Today is brought to you by the letter “M” for Maxim. I won’t give the gory details of how this post came about because some things between a husband and wife should remain private. But let’s just say that Mr. Cherrie deserves some of the credit. So adding an additional proverb, that a picture says a thousands words, I’ll just leave it at that. Because really, there isn’t much more to say. Really. Honest. Seriously.


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  1. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! This made my day. Especially since I’ve been at work since 6-something AM.

    Things I learned from this:
    1. Mike is a tool.
    2. I am definitely in love with him.
    3. More fights, please. Because slapping people is hilarious.
    4. OBVIOUSLY I have to buy a skateboard deck with Mike’s face painted on it.
    5. Going to buy Maxim right now.

    If you want to read it (you know you do!) it’s at this link.

    • Chuck Reply

      Oh boy. He is most definitely a dork. But we loves those sort of guys anyway. They’re way more fun!

      I watched some of the Caps game last night (they were victorious!) and at one point, there was a bit of a scrum and Mikey was there, hovering on the periphery attempting to look bad-ass. But all I could envision was him slap fighting someone and running away…

  2. I keep looking at this link every 10 seconds. Dawn, you have ruined my productivity for the day!

  3. dawncherrie Reply
