I Might Stab My Eyes Out: BOTB Update

Or my ears might bleed out next week all for the sake of bringing you a Battle of the Blades update. I just visited the CBC website to see what little sparkley Canadian nuggets they were going to provide for this week’s theme and I found out a couple of possibly seizure inducing gems: Theo Fleury is going to skate to his own song and this week’s them is ‘country music’ – God save me – please. If it weren’t for Val Bure, I don’t think I could take it any more. I may not survive another Kelly Chase hip thrust, 80’s collar-turned up, gyration-infestation. And Scott Hamilton is the guest judge. Please please please be a bad dream. What did I do to deserve this? I am sorry for saying that fan was stupid. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Karma’s a bitch!

let's hope this week's outfit is better but with a country theme me thinks not

even johnny wants to crawl away from the announcement


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  1. Yeeeeehaw. This made me crack up. Is Theo Fleury a country artist now? Is that what we have to look forward to from more retired guys?

    • dawncherrie Reply

      I have no idea but that’s what I read. Thank god it said that he is not going to sing live. I love him – don’t get me wrong. He totally brings it but I am not up to hearing him sing. his album is not available – YET.

  2. mr. cherrie Reply

    mr. cherrie is kinda excited for country night, i’ll keep the sharp objects away, from your face…