Score: A Hockey Musical

Every single one of you is fired as my friend because you did not tell me about this!  Thank God for NHL Center Ice and the Calgary/Edmonton game I’m watching in reruns, or I might have missed the single greatest thing ever created – Score: A Hockey Musical.

I’m like David After Dentist right now, asking “Is this real life?!” Yes, it’s real – a hockey movie with choreographed dancing.  Apparently created during the same brilliant blackout period where I masterminded the Jonathan-Toews-does-squats commercials, Score opens on October 22.  Who will explain to Mr. Pants why he’s alone at a Halloween party because I’m in Canada on Friday night?

Synopsis: Seventeen-year old Farley (Noah Reid) has the stick-handling skills of the next Sidney Crosby. Not that Farley has any idea who Crosby is. He’s led a sheltered life, homeschooled by parents (Olivia Newton-John and Marc Jordan) whose idea of homework is trips to an art gallery or ashram. His best friend is Eve (Allie MacDonald), the girl who’s lived next door since they were both three. Much to the dismay of his parents, Farley loves to play shinny with the local rink rats (Dave Bidini, Hawksley Workman et al.). To their even greater dismay, Farley is signed to a major hockey league, where he achieves instant stardom, throwing him into a world of hype. Farley soon finds that hockey fame comes with a price, including the expectation to fight. Throw in a changing relationship with Eve – and Farley is losing his way.

Why am I being forced to work on Academy Award-caliber films when I could be working on this?! It’s Newsies x Hockey Night in Canada + that time Chuck and I got fined a dozen donuts for skipping broomball to see Westlife at the mall in Saugus, MA.

Clip: The Locker Room


Best Picture: 2011


I’m buying tickets now.  Chuck, you bring the popcorn and Dawn, you bring Twizzlers.  CI, pack your dancing shoes and leave your dignity at home.  It’s WUYS Night Out at the Movies.


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  1. dawncherrie Reply

    Mr. Cherrie is upset that you beat me to the post because he saw the same thing this morning on the same re-run but I was out working to bring home the bacon. But we will offer hospitality to anyone who wants to stay with us on the road trip to canada to go see this fine use of celluloid because we are SO THERE! And being the closest to the border … I think we have the best bet to this in an actual theatre!

  2. Chuck79 Reply

    This movie looks awful and awesome at the same time.

    If Pants and I ran our own movie studio, these are the sort of movies that we would make. Along with anything starring Nathan Fillion, Ben Affleck/Matt Damon, or Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones. Or any combination of the four.

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