Beep Beep! Who’s got the keys to the Jeep?
Tyler recently shot a commercial for Starwood Motors in Dallas. You can watch them here and here but fair warning – they are hella awkward. Name me a single hockey player commerical that isn’t.

Apparently Starwood Motors sells kevlar-coated Jeeps. Yes. Kevlar. As in the same material in bulletproof vests. As to why anyone not named James Bond would need a bulletproof car is beyond me..but honestly but it’s not really important, now is it?
What is important, though….

Gangsta lean.
If Tyler arrived in this thing to pick us up for a date, at first we might be all…

But then he’d come out the car all…

On the outside, we’d be all…

And on the inside…


Even his ankles are sexy.
Tags: Dallas Stars, Jeeps, Tyler Seguin, Tyler Tuesday
Dead. I have died.
The amount of swagger this man possesses is incredible.
Its really unfair. How am I supposed to maintain my composure? You know what’s really ridiculous? No one looks sexy while eating. Absolutely no one. Except this guy.
Dear God, how does this even happen? And why is he so much younger than me?
I dunno. Brad Pitt snacking in every Ocean’s movie is pretty dang sexy.
Oh man… Remember when Brad Pitt was hot? #Tristan
Tyler in glasses! Tyler in glasses! Glaaaasses!
Oh god, so awkward. I love the production attempts at “Tyler Seguin is totally driving!” Just lean and smolder, Tyler, and we’ll zoom in. And then we’ll turn the lights out for the next shot and no one will notice. PERFECT.
oh God saw the photoshoot in his twitter. He looks like a heavenly creation.
How to look like you’re in a Millennial boy band:
1) throw your socks in the garbage
End of list.
What the he’ll do you ladies see in this pompous partyboy jerk?? I know of other players more worthy of gushy fawning over. He Will never grow up, just like another partyboy overrated jerk we all know about- Ovi.
I used to love this site, but since you only post once a week if we are lucky and only on Tyler Tuesday like he’s the only great and handsome nhl player to talk about. I get alerts asto when you have posts, but I will stop those.
That last photo – are his heels gold-plated? LOL. Otherwise, I will possibly never recover from the glasses pic. Ever. Oh, Tyler…
I can’t get past a vehicle that features Kevlar, while leaving the doors and roof optional. ???
Seriously! I didn’t understand that either… then again, this is Texas and Texans like their guns.
I’ma need a gif of him stroking the wheel with his thumb while “out in the city at night.”