Return to #Camp

It’s time again for Camp Biosteel!  Always summer’s last hurrah, Camp Biosteel seems quickly followed by training camp, pre-season games and that first time since May our jeans leave the drawer.  Per usual, Camp features a million ways to make us feel like a bump on a log this Tuesday morning:   Hockey! Cross-training! Tyler […]

Long Hot Summer

Five minute post! I’m on computer-free vacaaaaaaaaaation for a week, but I could not leave without giving you this. [] There’s a game I like to play with Lindsay and Alison. I call it: Inner/Outer monologue or Tomorrow’s Blog Post? In today’s episode: my reaction to watching this video. FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE, WEAR A TIGHTER […]

The NHL A(wk)wards

Two posts in two days? This place is like Santa’s Workshop! Last night was the annual NHL Awards, or as we like to call it: the NHL A(wk)wards. Normally an unfunny, bumblingly-hosted, C-list celebfest, last night’s show was most of those things again. But better, no? I confess to liberal use of the mute button, […]