Brendan Smith – What's Up, Ya Sieve? WE’RE GIRLS. WE LOVE HOCKEY. WE WENT TO BOSTON UNIVERSITY, SO WE WATCH MIRACLE A LOT. Fri, 07 Oct 2016 18:09:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Foxy Friday: Brendan Smith Fri, 24 May 2013 15:21:59 +0000 We love you guys.  Seriously.

I sent the word out last night that I was looking for Foxy Friday nominees and our twitter feed blew up with a ton of suggestions.

As I started to google them to ascertain their Foxy Friday potential, there was one that clearly stood out amongst the rest.

Detroit Red Wings’ Brendan Smith.

Let’s be honest here.  It’s the smile that did me in.

It’s just so happy and shiny and genuine.  You know that when is his smiling, he REALLY means it.

My heart just bursts with rainbows and glitter when I see it.

You see the ways his eyes crinkle up when he flashes that grin.  That’s when you know it is legit.

Also his teeth are perfect.  Sure some of them might be fake but if they are, kudos to his dentist.  I work at a dental school so I know a little something about teeth.

Thanks to the magic of the interwebs, I’ve been able to learn a bit more about Brendan Smith.

He loves Tim Horton’s donuts.

He loves knee socks.

When learning to skate, he’ll always be there to help you up.

 He knows how to work the beanie/hoodie fashion combo.

If you took him to a Jason Alden concert, he’d fit right in.

If you’re feeling sad, he’ll write you a poem.

Should you ever become stranded in the wilderness, you wouldn’t starve to death.


When his hockey career is over, he could get a job on late night TV.  He’s a natural…who also likes PF Chang’s.


Thank you for opening my eyes to the foxiness that is Brendan Smith.

I am forever in your debt.

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