Comments on: WUYS – PSA – By Canadian Tire Jumpstart Days WE’RE GIRLS. WE LOVE HOCKEY. WE WENT TO BOSTON UNIVERSITY, SO WE WATCH MIRACLE A LOT. Thu, 22 Dec 2016 17:02:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: dawncherrie Sun, 12 Jun 2011 05:15:40 +0000 That is so sad. I had no idea it costs that much to play hockey but that makes sense since I would imagine that the gear would be expensive. thanks for the info. I just love that commercial with the kid. he is adorable and it just kills me eevery time!

By: Jaime Sun, 12 Jun 2011 02:34:05 +0000 Canadian Tire gives you like 5 cents back for every dollar you spend. They have Jump Start boxes by the doors when you leave, and they’re always filled with CT money and fivers etc. It’s a great program, especially when you consider the costs for playing minor hockey.

In 2003 or so, registration costs for Bantam hockey was 300+…. just for registration. Tournament costs, equipment, etc all extra… it’s ridiculous. There’s no way less than rich families would be able to let their kids play hockey (or any other sport almost) without Jump Start and programs like it, which really is too bad. Our government is more concerned with buying old fighter jets with no engines, naming kittens, and using tax payer money to go to the SCF….
